Sunday, March 7, 2010

He Provides

So I was on quite a blogging role there for a little bit... and it looks like I got a little behind. I laughed when I re-read my last post about Tim's job security.... because things have changed a little bit!

The Monday after Valentine's, Tim came home from work early... like 6 hours early. It turns out that Tim's company held onto him as long as they could. They offered to pay him one extra week and keep his insurance until the end of the month. In light of everything, these were both great blessings.

On Tuesday morning, Tim started the job search. I am so blessed to be married to a man who likes to work. It was VERRRRY unlike me to not freak out. We were both very at peace with what the Lord was doing with us, and we still are.

It's been three weeks and Tim is still searching. And we are still full of peace. We are AMAZED at how the Lord has provided. I know we really shouldn't be "amazed," after all, He is the LORD! But... it has been "amazing" to see the ways He has provided and the people He has used in our lives. Our Church family has been the biggest blessing of them all.

Also, JORDAN'S MECHANIC SHOP/FIELD SERVICES has been open for business. Since Tim knows EVERYONE in Tuscola and Buffalo Gap... all of his old farmer friends have been putting him to work! He's working on trucks and tractors! HE LOVES IT!! Eventually... this is what he wants to do... have his own shop.

All in all... God is good all the time. All the time, God is good!!